Eclipse Thoughts - don't sweat the small things

I luckily got to be in the totality for the solar eclipse in 2024, and I was surprised how awesome it was. My biggest takeaway was a realization of how small all my little worries are. The friggin sun and the moon are real and nothing I do or don't do today changes anything at that level. I am often a perfectionist to the point where I can freeze up if I think I can't complete a task perfectly. For example, if I have something to fix on my house, I will overthink it, and plan it, and then worry that I might not execute it properly.

But after seeing the eclipse, and realizing that if I mount my new doorbell a little crooked, it doesn't matter, at all. The sun and the moon keep doing what they are doing, and the earth keeps spinning. My little worries matter so little. Obviously some things are worth putting more thought and care into, but others, you just gotta say eff-it, and do them, and if they aren't perfect, it literally doesn't matter.

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